Sanele Sbiya

This is Sanele Sbiya that I met a couple of weeks ago. A very outspoken young boy who lives in the sugercane farms of Pongola. His mother is dead. He has never been to pre school since the preschool is 30 km away.
When his father is out working this young man stays alone in his home which is surrounded by sugercane and banana trees which are very much attractive to dangerous snakes like mambas and python. Several people have already been killed by snakes in this area.
He do wish to go to school one day but it is very hopeless since the preschool is mandatory in South Africa to be prepared for grade R in school.
With your support to the AKNM Foundation we will be able to negotiate and pay them who drive the kids to the preschool to also include Sanele in their transportation plans. 

New shorts

These boys have earlier got soccer T-shirts but today they also got their shorts! They were so happy!

Pre school visit

A couple of weeks ago I visited a pre school on the deep rural area of Pongola. I took some clothes, baby blankets, toys and books with me. It was a happy day for the children, parents and the pre school teachers that actually are volunteers.

Thank you Kvarnbyskolan in Mölndal for the lovely blankets!

And a big thank you to Agneta Blomberg who has sent the clothes, toys and books!


The mothers to the young kids received a blanket from Kvarnbyskolan.


Here are the kids that I met in the pre school with their new clothes.

Here are the pre school teachers who are volunteers at this pre school. The picture was taken when they received some toys as well as books that we have received from Sweden.


Among the kids I met in this pre school there was this seven years old boy who is physically challanged, poor sighted, has defect speech and is underweighted.
Due to all the above challenges he is not welcomed in the schools for normal children. His unemployed mother cannot afford to take him to a school which is suitable to his disabilities.
His name is Lufiso Simelane. He is mentally good and if you tell him to do something he do it correctly.
If he does not get immediate financial support he will not get any suitable education.

Soccer T-shirts to the teams

We have been receiving soccer T-shirts as well as soccer balls and we have been giving out soccer T-shirts to the boys encouraging them to participate in sports and not to be involved in criminal activities. And at the same time making them to be aware of hiv and aids. The boys had to work hard in the soccer tournament to win a soccer jersey.

I hope some of the teams who donated these soccer T-shirts will be proud to see that it did reach the people who deserve it.


Hur mår barnen?

Hur mår barnen?

Anna-Karin och Zibuse drev ett skolfadderprojekt, med register där fadderbarnen följdes upp. Den nystartade insamlingsstiftelsen börjar med andra projekt för behövande barn, under Zibuses ledning och i Anna-Karins anda.

Situationen har inte förändrats. Anna-Karins bok med noteringar om barnen som fick hjälp ger en blixtbelysning av livet för barn och tonåringar i townshipet och de fattiga landsbyarna runtom – både på Anna-Karins tid och i dag. 

I den här rapporten har vi bara tagit med några av barnen på Anna-Karins lista. Och den omfattar ändå bara en liten, liten del av alla hjälpbehövande barn i området. Men för dem betydde hjälpen något, liksom för sjöstjärnorna i legenden.

Och de har fortfarande något att berätta för oss.

Läs hela rapporten.

Report from Zibuse

In South Africa these days people who are at the receiving end of poverty and Aids pandemic are the pensioners (old people) who are currently forced to look after orphans of their sons and doughters who die very young.

The amount of cash they receive on monthly basis is not even enough for one person but they have to strech their little cash to accommodate their grand children as well. Above all these old and defenceless citezens are also victims of rape and robbery which continues unreported.

It is because of the above reasons that we have identified the need for the creation of the Anna-Karin Nyberg-Mazeka Foundation. We strongly believe that through this foundation and contineuos interaction with these senior citizens we will be able to ”kill two birds with one stone” in the sence that we will making a platform for the old people to voice out their problems and at the same time try to ease the school going childrens burden by assisting them in terms of school requirements.

To be able to do this in a more transparent and proffessional manner we have decided to have this foundation registered as a Non Profit Organisation. We believe as we mentioned earlier in our status that we will have this organisation registration documents sent direct to Pretoria for registration. 

Report by Zibuse Mazeka Pongola South Africa 

AKNMF NPO registration

We are close at having AKNM (Ann-Karin Nyberg-Mazeka) Foundation registered as an NPO in South Africa. We have already recieved the registration forms and we are currently collecting all the requiremeents.

Our next step will be to sent a person directly to Pretoria to submit our registration forms. This is scheduled to take place at the end of June.

A temporary certificate from the department of Social Development will allow us to continue with this project at strength. As we strongly believe in transparency, people will be kept updated about progress and subsequent operations of this project. 

I promise to keep an update on this site.

Zibuse Mazeka Pongola South Africa